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The Most Common Marketing Problem Out There

The Most Common Marketing Problem Out There The Good News, It’s Easy to Fix Do you hear that phone ringing? The one’s that’s not being picked up because you’re too busy working? That’s not a just a ringing phone, its the sound of customers running to your competitors because they can’t get a hold of…

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The Secret Weapon of All 7 Figure Websites

The Secret Weapon of All 7 Figure Websites   It’s Not Magic Why do some company’s website seem to magically bring them customers from out of thin air? What in the world are they doing that the rest of us aren’t? In the next two minutes we’re going to tell you exactly what they’re doing…

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How a Landscaper Went from Broke to Money-Maker in 3 Months

How a Landscaper Went from Broke to Money-Maker in 3 Months   Are you making it easy for people to find you? I was in desperate need to get some trees trimmed at my house. Since the temperatures were well over 100 degrees that time of year I decided to outsource the job; translation, I…

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Carpet Cleaner Takes on the Internet, and Wins!

Carpet Cleaner Takes on the Internet, and Wins!   What is your website selling? Jason owned a carpet cleaning company in small city. We were sitting in his home office. He looked at me from across his cluttered desk. He wore the look of a man that was about to admit some personal failure and…

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